Posted on 1/30/2023

It seems like every winter, more people are stuck on the side of the road with a dead battery. You may drive and see two vehicles doing a jumpstart and wonder, “is it because of the cold?”. We’re here to confirm that car batteries do not like the cold. When the temperature drops in CO, it can mess up your battery or kill it altogether. Why Do Car Batteries Die in the Winter Even though car batteries can die at any point in the year, it tends to be most affected during the winter. In the cold, the chemical reactions that occur inside the battery slow down. In other words, it means more power is required to deliver and keep the same amount of voltage. In fact, a car battery loses nearly ⅓ of its strength when the temperature drops below freezing point. How to Prevent Your Car Battery From Dying To keep your vehicle’s battery in tip-top shape this winter, here are some of our key tips! Park in a Garage - When your vehicle is parked in a garage, it is slightly i ... read more